

The Latvian Peat Association unites 40 members: 20 members - peat producers, 7 associate members, 11 honorary members and 2 scientific members.

  • Legal persons, whose professional or commercial activity is directly or significantly related to the peat extraction industry, may become members  of the Association.
  • Associate members who have the capacity to act, whether natural or legal persons whose activities are related to peat extraction industry, but peat is not their core business, may join the Association. Associate Members participate in the work of the Association in an advisory capacity, without voting rights in the Member's Meeting.
  • A natural person of legal capacity, which have been recognized as such by the Council of the Association, due to special merits of such members in the work organization of Association, and peat industry development and popularization, may become an honorary memberHonorary members are entitled to participate in the work of Association in an advisory capacity, without voting rights in the Member's Meeting. 
  • For scientific member of Association can become a member without voting rights of a natural person carrying out scientific activities to be attributed and / or link to the peat extraction industry.


Latvian Peat Association has entered contract No. SKV[1]TL-2022/26 with the Latvian Investment and Development Agency for support of the measure “International promotion of competitiveness” program co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.